Thursday, December 16, 2021

Why YOU should be a comedian!

Being a comedian means never having to say you're sorry.

Jeff Garlin has been fired from The Goldbergs after a long HR investigation into complaints from crew members.

Looking at the comments from some of the articles about it online, there are people claiming to have worked on the show who said he was far worse that what's being reported.

But most of the comments defend him. And the defense is always the same. He's a COMEDIAN. People just failed to appreciate that.

When Joan Rivers revealed herself as a snarling violent racist rejoicing at the deaths of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children, some thoughtful person leapt to her defense. "That's what comedians do!" he wrote. 

Contrast that with what Andy Kindler said in a different context. "If you're a comedian and you're not funny, you're just a racist."

These people think comedians are beyond human judgement. They can literally do no wrong.

I thought comedians were traditionally viewed as bitter, screwed up neurotics using humor to cope with their awful childhoods. 

Look at Jerry Lewis, a terrible, terrible person. One of those guys who would brag in interviews about abusing his children because he thought it showed what a good father he was. Ironically, he was in a feud with Bing Crosby.

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