Wednesday, May 25, 2022

And Soon the Darkness (UK, 1970)

A British movie filmed in France and at a studio near London. There was a remake in 2010. 

Had a small cast, only nine speaking roles. And there was only one scene with any extras.

Two young English women are bicycling through France. They're on a side road going through farm country. They get into an argument, split up and one of them goes missing.

The girl searches for her friend, learns there was an unsolved murder there a few years earlier. There's a language barrier and the French all seem unnecessarily suspicious. She doesn't know who she can trust.

The story covers a period of just a few hours.

Even if I wanted to bicycle through France I wouldn't do it. By the time you realize you've made a terrible mistake it would be too late. You'd be miles from nowhere with no choice but to carry on. I'm not talking about the danger of being murdered---just having to ride a bike. Always give yourself a way out.

Free on Movieland Tv.


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