Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Swedes and Finns aren't that smart after all

When I was in grade school, I'd sit in the classroom staring a globe trying to figure out how I would have escaped World War Two, gotten out of Europe, Asia or North America avoiding any country where I'd likely be bombed, drafted or would have to live under military occupation. I wasn't completely clear at the time on what countries managed to stay out of the war. 

I liked TV violence back then, so I'd turn on World At War on public television. It wasn't what I expected. It traumatized me. But I kept watching.

Sweden and Finland have decided that this is the perfect time to join NATO. There's already a war, NATO is perfectly open about wanting to keep it going as long as possible. We're on the brink of World War Three and these people don't want to miss out. NATO won't protect them---it'll make them logical, completely legitimate targets.

Perhaps in anticipation of joining the alliance, Finland dropped the Swastika as their military insignia two years ago.

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