Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Anna Sorokin, BBC radio docudrama

Sorry. I listened to 2.5 hours of a BBC docudrama about Anna Sorokin, the poor Russian girl whose family had moved to Germany. She wanted to work in fashion and became an intern somewhere then came to the United States.

I was on Sorokin's side when this was reported years ago. She has some legal obligation to tell people her father is a hard-working truck driver and not a wealthy parasite? She has to accurately tell people how much money she has in the bank? She has a legal obligation to assume that when rich people do something nice for her, they're doing it only because they think she's rich, too?

She also stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in services, staying in expensive hotels, throwing parties and never paying for them. And there was the fake loan application, the check kiting and her inviting a woman to go with her on an all expense paid trip to Morocco; they stayed at a hotel charging $16,000 a night. Sorokin had no money, pretended there was some problem with her credit card and convinced her "friend" to put $60,000 in charges she couldn't pay on her American Express card.

A guy on that trip said she was an incredibly boring traveling companion.

It was interesting the first hour or two, but it got dreary, perhaps because I was binge-listening. It included interviews with the miserable souls who survived this ordeal as well as dramatized scenes.

The poor girl is out of prison now, by the way. They're making a Netflix movie about her. She should go back to Germany or Russia so she can write a book about it without the Son of Sam laws robbing her of her profits.

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