Thursday, November 10, 2022

Bigfoot (1970)

I never rented it, but I used to see the box for it in a local video store.

It's tagline was "BREEDS WITH ANYTHING." It was rated GP---what we now know as PG. There's no breeding in this thing. It was in color, by the way.

Joi Lansing is captured by Bigfoot after her small airplane crashes in the wilderness. (She was the murdered girlfriend in Touch of Evil, the one who says, "...I've got this ticking sound in my head!")
There's a motorcycle gang. They ride matching Hondas and wear slacks and windbreakers instead of leather jackets. One of their biker chicks is abducted as well. When the biker calls for help, the sheriff laughs it off. He gets LOTS of calls about Bigfoot and thinks this is proof they're fake.

It had a number of declining older stars. John Carradine plays a traveling salesman who hopes to capture a Bigfoot for profit. With silent film and B movie cowboy Ken Maynard, Sigourney Weaver's uncle, Doodles Weaver, who hit it big on Spike Jones' radio show, and James Craig whose career took off in the '40's, I suppose because he was 4F and stayed out of the war. 

A lot of it filmed on indoor sets. It had one very tall Bigfoot and a few that weren't much taller than Joi Lansing.

Wasn't lurid or amusing. I was right to skip it in the video store, but it's free on Tubi. To find it there,  search for "big foot". They have it as two words.  

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