Sunday, September 16, 2018

Outland (1981)

I saw this thing was available on Filmstruck. I wasn't interested in seeing it but I became intrigued by the thought of Peter Boyle in a science fiction movie.

The skin tight outfits they usually wear in science fiction movies always bothered me. They look uncomfortable and it means that most of us would look terrible in the future. They wore regular clothes in this movie and Sean Connery had a chubby kid (Nicholas Barnes) playing his tweenage son. But the gravity is so light there, they should all be fat and weak.

A remake of High Noon. They even had digital clocks telling us how long they have until the shuttle arrives. 

Peter Boyle is in charge of a mining operation on one of Jupiter's moons. Sean Connery arrives there as the new marshall. Workers keep losing their minds and dying in horrible ways. Connery discovers they're being given drugs to increase their productivity and this is a side-effect. Peter Boyle summons a gang of murderers to come to the moon and kill Connery. Connery tries to get people to help him shoot it out, but they don't want to get killed, too. His wife had the good sense to forsake him at the beginning of the movie. 

It annoyed me that Sean Connery and Peter Boyle talk pleasantly. Connery tells him he knows all about the drugs and Boyle tells him he'll have him murdered.

You know what Connery should have done to prepare for the final fight? He should have injected himself with some of the amphetamines they were giving the workers.

The final battle wasn't very interesting.

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