Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Rainy Day In New York reviews coming in


According to Wikipedia, that's what Woody Allen's Rainy Day in New York cost. Maybe he was paying his actors more than the union minimum what with all that Amazon money he had to work with.

Apparently, they're flying critics to Poland to see the movie. This means the poor Poles in the audience had to sit through a subtitled, dialog-laden movie.

Variety made fun of a character's name---Gatsby Welles. But he was played by an actor called Timothee Chalomet. It's like the joke people used to make about Hawaii Five-O. "Kam Fong as Chin Ho? Why doesn't he just use his real name?"

But the movie is getting better reviews elsewhere.

From Screen Daily:
Anyone shunning Woody Allen’s artistic output will be depriving themselves of a bittersweet comedy peppered with splendid performances if they give A Rainy Day In New York a pass. An endearing blend of madcap ingenue of yore and self-reliant young woman, Elle Fanning plays bubbly college student Ashleigh whose trip into The Big City with mopey Manhattan-raised boyfriend Gatsby Welles (Timothée Chalamet) doesn’t go as planned. Although the opening scene is rocky as the young couple discuss their travel plans, from there on in the film just continues getting better, juggling characters and situations in a manner that may baffle millennials whose idea of a movie is more MCU than MGM but will feel like home to viewers who have always enjoyed tuning into Allen’s wavelength.
The review notes that Chalomet is the least interesting character.
Oddly enough, while his performance is adequate, the usually irresistible Chalamet is the least compelling of the main characters. In a late-arriving scene featuring a quietly-dazzling monologue, Cherry Jones as Gatsby’s mother certainly proves herself.
Remember when Harrison Ford called Shia LaBeouf a "fucking idiot" for attacking his own (and Ford's) movie before it was released? That's how I feel about Chalomet and these other jackasses who attacked Allen after appearing in his movie.

The only thing I've seen Chalomet in was Beatiful Boy. Reportedly, they got the title from a John Lennon song I never heard of. But the title made me keep thinking about Chalomet's looks. I've never been a judge of male beauty, but I thought he was more Dan Quayle than Tab Hunter. I guess he was naturally scrawny enough to play a drug addict which made me wonder what Armie Hammer saw in him in the sex movie they were in.

Rainy Day in New York didn't look the least bit interesting to me, but both the good review and the bad one I read make me want to see it.

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