Friday, October 16, 2020

Todd Solondz, Life During War Time

A sequel to Solondz' Happiness with a different cast.

Joy is married to an obscene phone caller. Her sister Trish is dating a Zionist; she doesn't know that her ex-husband is being released from prison where he served a sentence for raping two boys in the last movie. There's another sister who's now a successful screenwriter. Trish's son is preparing for his bar mitzvah. Her other son is studying anthropology at a fictional university in Oregon.

So one kid is studying to become a man, the other majors in the study of man and their mother and aunt have terrible, terrible luck with men. I assume this has some meaning. The third sister sides with Palestinians. She has a large photo on her wall of a Palestinian boy facing down an Israeli tank.

I see it categorized as a comedy/drama and I understand what they mean. There were a couple of gags in it.

I was surprised to see Paul Reubens and Charlotte Rampling in small roles. 

Available on the Criterion Channel if nowhere else.

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