Saturday, June 25, 2022

Aloha Bobby and Rose (1975)

"With the music of Elton John" they said on the ads for this movie. And it did have his music, but you heard the same stuff on the radio for free whether you wanted to or not. 

Made for $600 thousand.

Bobby and Rose go on a date. Bobby (Paul Le Mat) is a jackass. He jabs a convenience store clerk in the back with a Slim Jim and tells him to put his hands up. Demands to know how much money he has. Threatens to murder him and thinks it's a joke. The owner comes out of the back with a shotgun and yells at his son to call the police. Rose inexplicably hits the poor man over the head with a bottle. He fires the gun and kills his son as he falls.

This is half an hour into the movie.  Bobby and Rose become fugitives. Bobby bore the brunt of it, but Rose seems like the real villain here.

It wasn't bad. Low budget realism. There are no gunfights. Just these two being afraid of police.

I saw this at a drive-in 47 years ago. My cousin wanted to see it and my sister went with her, so I went along. I remember some of it well, some it not at all. I don't know if I fell asleep or got distracted by something in the car. I remembered very little between the killing and the conclusion.
The music seemed random. They spread "Bennie and the Jets" out in short chunks throughout the movie which might have made it seem like there was more of it than there was.

With Edward James Olmos in the role of "Chicano #1".  It would have been so easy to give him a name.

Free on Movieland Tv. 

I'm watching a lot of that channel.

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