Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)

I remember seeing this in a drive-in theater. It must have been 1969, so I was six. The only thing I remember is the scene of the girls threatening to murder another girl as they hang her over a railing. I slept through the rest of it in the back of the old Volkswagen bus. My brother, who might have been ten, saw the nude scene.

Maggie Smith plays an eccentric Fascist schoolteacher in Scotland in the 1930's who is, not surprisingly, an unwholesome influence on her students.

It actually made British (albeit Scottish) schools look a lot better than they do in most movies. There was only one scene of potentially fatal bullying mentioned above, there was no punishment of any kind. Of course it was a girl's school. The only thing that was worse than in other movies was Miss Brodie manipulating students to sleep with a male teacher.

The teachers who see themselves as college graduates with a pretty good job are fine. It's the art teacher who sees himself as a painter and Miss Brodie who sees herself as---something---who are a danger to the kids.

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