Monday, March 6, 2023

Dark Shadows (2012) and Spencer (2021)

Two soap operas that didn't work for me

I'd watched old episodes of Dark Shadows on the streaming channel Pluto. It was an after-school soap opera from the late '60's. Came on at four o'clock. Kids would hurry home from school to watch. It was a little before my time. I wasn't old enough to get into it, but my sister had some friends who did and I learned recently that I have a cousin who loved it.

But it was a soap opera. A real soap opera on five days a week. Filmed live on tape. Every episode had a flubbed line here and there and sometimes the camera would pan too far and you could see past the edge of the set. But it was all dialogue, every scene a long conversation.

So I turned on the movie starring Johnny Depp. It was mostly a series of montages. I couldn't get into it. It had the same basic plot, but little in common with the original series.

Watched about half, turned it off and started Spencer, something about Princess Diana. But it was the same thing. There've been so many shows about her and the various royals. We know who they were and pretty much know what went on. But the movie was another trashy soap opera they tried to improve on by making it non-verbal. 

It looked impressive, but I want to hear their conniving.


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