Sunday, November 18, 2018

Cheap props

Teen madman in lavender cardigan.
Went to the grocery store for a few things last night. The place was full of people shopping for Thanksgiving. At the end of an aisle in a back corner of the store, they had a selection of squirt guns. Some, strangely, were in the shape of hand grenades. They were a quarter each, so I bought a dollar's worth. I don't know what I'd use them for but with a coat of spray paint they'd make passable props. Maybe fill them with something to give them some heft.

Grenades played a role in two episodes of Dragnet, one where an angry teen outcast crashes a party and threatens the popular kids with one.

"They never invite me to their stupid parties! Turn on the music! Dance! Dance!"

In another, a Nazi throws a grenade at a night watchman while stealing a station wagon-load of dynamite he wants to blow up a school full of children because it's being desegregated.

Trying to put the pin back. "Give me a minute, Joe." "We may not have a minute."

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