Friday, November 30, 2018

George Bush

Unretouched photo of George Bush as he groped a high school girl.
My mother asked me if there were any US presidents in my life time who I liked. I said, well, were there any who killed fewer than a million people? I guess there was Ford.

Serial sex offender George HW Bush has died at 94.

I don't know how many people that guy killed between the invasion of Panama and the war with Iraq. As vice president, he went before the UN and lied through his teeth about the US shooting down an Iranian airliner full of people. In any situation like this where the US says one thing and another country says something else, the US government is lying. The US is powerful enough that it can say anything it wants and much of the world will pretend to believe it. Other countries have to at least have the truth on their side.

I don't know how much we should blame him for the millions who died under the Reagan regime, victims of death squads, the war in Afghanistan that Carter engineered, bombings, invasions.

Bush groping actress Heather Lind. He told her his favorite
magician was "David Cop-a-feel".

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