Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Trump and Biden: Two birds with one stone?

Hunter Biden is a degenerate. He left his wife and children so he could sleep with his brother's widow, in divorce court, his wife said that he spent vast amounts of money on drugs and "girlfriends". He joined the Navy in a special program that allowed to him to become an officer by taking two weeks of classes---they had to give him a couple of waivers because he was too old and had a "drug incident" in his past---he told the press how joining the Navy was the greatest moment of his life, then he was kicked out less than a month later because he tested positive for cocaine.

Nothing qualified Hunter Biden to go to work for Bursima Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company, except that his father was in charge of the Obama regime's Ukraine policy. Hunter Biden was paid $50,000 a month for what, exactly, I don't know. The money was sent to him through a company owned by John Kerry's stepson.

Joe Biden told this hilarious anecdote to the Council on Foreign Relations about how he got a prosecutor allegedly investigating Bursima fired:
"I said, 'You're not getting the [$1 billion]. I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a bitch. He got fired." 
My hope is that Trump will be impeached and removed but, in self defense, he will end Biden's run for the nomination by exposing how corrupt he and his degenerate son are.

Oh, and after Trump is removed, I hope to heck Mike Pence will be severely weakened and unable to do anything as president. Because that guy won't be any improvement.

Remember that other thing?

They thought they had Trump on some illegal campaign contribution thing because they paid to stop a porn star from revealing her adulterous affair with him, but nothing came of it. It wasn't really a crime because Trump had non-campaign-related reasons to keep his adultery secret.

In this case it's already been suggested that Trump may have had legitimate reason unrelated to the election to want Ukraine to investigate corruption.

My view was always that four years isn't that long. We could just sweat it out and be rid of that guy soon enough. But if Biden gets the nomination, don't bet on Trump being voted out.

They're all such horrible people.

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