Saturday, September 21, 2019

UFO: Target Earth (1974, 77 minutes)

Everyone hated it. I looked at and the comments were all negative, most of the commenters trying to be funny as they attacked it. They kept pointing out the boom mic visible at the top of the frame, although that was obviously because they filmed it in the 4x5 aspect ratio for release as a widescreen movie.

It had an appealing theme song.

As a kid, I was creeped out even by bad UFO documentaries and I probably would have been creeped out by this under the right conditions. The opening credits showed grainy, "real" UFO photos taken over the years. The movie begins with faux documentary footage of interviews with people describing their UFO sightings. We see a kid in bed complaining about a light that keeps appearing. His mother tells him he's dreaming and leaves him to his fate.

Filmed in Georgia. I assumed the director was a regional filmmaker from that area, but he made two other movies, a sex comedy in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and a movie about a witch in Arizona who gets even with the descendants of those who killed her a hundred years earlier. The witch movie had Aldo Ray and Virginia Mayo.

It's public domain. You can even do a remake.

I saw it on Roku on Pub-D-Hub, but it's available here on YouTube:

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