Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hillary & Chelsea Clinton on tour

I just watched video of a local news report in San Francisco about millionaires Hillary and Chelsea Clinton speaking to an audience on their book tour. They claim to have written a book called Gutsy Women. One of the gutsy women they discuss in the book is Nancy Drew.

In the clip, Chelsea Clinton talked about how Hillary Clinton writes in longhand. It wasn't cute or funny, but I suspect she had her reasons for droning on about it. I was reminded of this from Jeffrey St Clair's review of Hillary Clinton's last book, What Happened:
So someone has ghost-written another Hillary Clinton memoir. My biggest question when I picked it up was: Did Hillary stiff the writer out of the final payment as she did Barbara Feinman, the real author of It Takes a Village?
 Chelsea was trying to convince us that they actually wrote the book.

Hillary kicked off the tour by smearing Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein, calling them "Russian assets". Which confirms what St Clair went on to write in his review:
Of course, Hillary Clinton has never been able to conceal her contempt for her enemies, real and imagined. It’s one reason she’s never been a successful politician. Where others are supple, she is taut. Hillary is a prolific liar, but, unlike Bill, she is graceless and transparent as she spins her tall tales. She is also probably the nastiest political figure in America since Nixon. Yet she lacked Nixon’s Machiavellian genius for political manipulation. Hillary wears her menace on her face. She could never hide her aspiration for power; her desire to become a war criminal in the ranks of her mentor Henry Kissinger (symbolized by the laurels of a Nobel Peace Prize, naturally). Americans don’t mind politicians with a lust to spill blood, but they prefer them not to advertise it.

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