Wednesday, March 30, 2022

How many of these guys do you think there are?

Will Smith
It's like the time I was working at the polls on election day. A guy came in. I asked his name. He said nervously, quietly, "Michael Jackson." I didn't even flinch. I found him in the book, had him sign his name or make his mark and we gave him his ballot.

Michael Jackson must be one of the more common names in the English-speaking world, but the poor guy couldn't say it without people going, "Ha ha ha ha! Your name is Micheal Jackson! Ha ha ha ha!"

This came to mind with the Will Smith thing. There are probably half a million Will Smiths in the United States alone. Of course, people in that boat could insist in being addressed as "William" or "Bill". [Turns out Smith's name is "Willard".]

I didn't know this, but according to the Internet, Guy, Gill and Liam are also nicknames for William.

Years ago, we were given a CD produced by the local middle school. Each class had written their own song, one about nutrition, one anti-racist, one sucking up to the principal. I don't remember the others. Each entire class was recorded belting out the tune they had written, and every kid's name was in the liner notes. I looked through the list of students and not one had a regular name. Not one Margaret or John or Paul, or Steve or Mary. There were dozens of Zacks and Jacquelines spelled various ways.

I thought it was crazy, every single parent giving their kid a weird name. Now I realize they were shielding their children from being associated with future disgraced celebrities. 

Here's a case in point, a couple of guys whose parents didn't have the foresight of those local kids' parents:

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