I saw this on a list of worst movies of the year, but articles like that are always stupid. How could anyone know what the best or worst movies are? In this case, it's a Singaporean-Indonesian co-production. How do you judge without taking into account cultural differences? I doubt it could have been successful in the West without failing in the East.
It was an anti-colonialist martial arts western. They corrected all the things I keep complaining about in westerns. They used far more interesting locations, they were anti-colonialist which is pretty much the opposite of American westerns. The actors were better-looking. I always hated the fist fights in American westerns. But long martial arts battles don't seem plausible, they might have toned down the torture and executions and the storyline could have had a bit more structure to it.

I'll never be satisfied. Probably because I never liked westerns in the first place. There were so many of them on TV when I was a kid, and there were all the movies, and I never saw their appeal. I find myself weirdly drawn to them now, but what do I want from them?

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