Saturday, December 7, 2019

One of the worst movies of 2019

Loqueesha. My God.

First I should admit that I didn't watch it to the end.

I looked at a list of the worst movies of 2019. This was the first one I found that I could watch free on Roku.

Self-financed by the writer/director/star Jeremy Saville. I couldn't find how much it cost him, but he made another "comedy" for an estimated $100,000.

This one is about a white bartender who gives terribly good advice to the drunks in his bar, so he applies to host a local radio call-in show. He doesn't get the job. He's never worked in radio and nothing qualifies him to do so, but he naturally assumes he was discriminated against for being white. So he sends in a tape where he impersonates a Black woman in a most offensive manner. He gets the job and becomes highly successful even though he says "fuck" on the radio.

There were commenters defending the movie online. They all seemed to be racist whites who were outraged that anyone would dare notice it was racist. They didn't show any sign that they especially liked it except for the racism.

Visually, it looked cheap but passable. The actors all had other credits on IMDb. Even the kid in it had been in some TV shows. You can do okay for $100,000 if that's what it cost.

Nothing funny in it that I saw. Had repeated scenes of people enthusing over the guy's advice.

I think the lesson here is, don't make movies that are disgusting and not funny.

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