Thursday, December 19, 2019

Cats - I haven't seen it, but I read a review

I haven't seen Cats in any form and I don't intend to. Don't like musicals. I'm okay with actual cats except there are some, if you pet them, that become overly friendly and excited and try climbing up your leg with their claws. It's very sad because they only want affection but you're afraid to go near them.

I just read the review of the movie Cats on the Variety website. They didn't like it, of course. The critic was an admirer of the play.

Directed by the guy who directed The King's Speech. Steven Spielberg is executive producer, so that's one more reason to hate it.

The review also brought up the issue of "furries", people who somehow attain sexual gratification by dressing in animal costumes. It was something, the critic said, that producers of the movie hadn't grappled with although I'm not sure what they should do about that.

I don't know why anyone would do this.

I was just reading an article I saved on my computer about high school plays in Seattle. It seems that high schools there are spending vast amounts--$100 thousand in one case--putting on these terrible musicals. One had a giant turntable and working elevator as part of the set. Some hire professional musicians and choreographers.

Nationwide, school plays normally cost less than $10,000, but in another Seattle high school, the Black kids had less than a thousand dollars for their play.

But you look at these high school plays and all I think about is the poor kids who want to be actors so they can kill people in movies, but instead are forced to sing and dance on stage, which seems horrifying. The potential for humiliation is astounding.

I don't know how humiliating this cat movie will be. Maybe I will watch it just to see. It was reported that the thing cost $300 million, but now they're claiming it was "only" $95 million.

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