Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Anybody see this?

What movie was this? I saw the beginning of it on a Roku channel showing only public domain movies. I've been trying to find it again.

Western made in the '30's. Had this horrifying opening. John Wayne (if I remember correctly) walks into the saloon and finds it strewn with dead bodies. It was bloodless and gore-free, like that episode of Dragnet where they investigated a mass murder.

John Wayne walks across the bar and shuts off the player piano.

I think he then cheerfully explains to the sheriff that they were already dead when he got there.

I never liked John Wayne. Didn't like his looks or his voice. Seemed like a big lout lumbering around in cowboy boots.

But now I've watched these other B westerns and I can see that he was better than the other cowboy stars back then. They were all terrible actors and they smiled too much as John Wayne did. But I think I could have beaten up half of those other guys and some were clearly wearing lipstick and eye makeup.

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