Friday, June 5, 2020

What kind of father is Steven Spielberg?

A couple of days ago, commenting on Steven Spielberg's daughter's foray into the pornography business, I posted:
I still say the poor girl could have a perfectly good career acting in regular movies. Everyone would want her in their movie. If Spielberg is any kind of a father, it would guarantee that he would see it. It could be their ticket to the big time.
On further reflection, what kind of father is Steven Spielberg? The asshole sent his daughter to boarding school. Why? What kind of "man" does that? She was abused because of her weight there which I would guess had something to do with her reported anorexia.

Long ago, I worked in a high end furniture store. Among our customers was a wealthy retired couple from California. The wife said they had been friends with cartoonist Charles Schultz. She said he was down-to-earth. Every time he had guests, he would serve tuna salad sandwiches. Every time. He was the son of a barber. But once he got rich, even HE sent his teenager daughter to a Swiss boarding school for not being docile enough. He wanted to ship his son off to a boarding school, too, so his daughter wouldn't feel singled out. What a nice guy.

Mia Farrow sent Moses to boarding school. He didn't want to go. But we already knew she was a horrible person.

Child murdering movie director John Landis send his degenerate son Max Landis to boarding school and look at him. Look at both of them

I don't know what's wrong with rich people. It doesn't matter what their background is, whether they're new rich or old. They're all horrible, horrible people.

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