Sunday, June 28, 2020

Born Free (1966)

Sort of a bizarro Tiger King. A couple in Kenya raise a lion cub after killing her man-eating parents.

I haven't seen this thing in over 45 years. They used to show it on TV it seemed like every year. I don't know why my family felt compelled to watch it.  My parents must have thought it was educational. I always hated movies about animals. Didn't they notice this?

In the opening scene, a lion kills a woman washing clothes in a river. We don't see the attack. We just see her clothes floating down the river then the water full of blood. Either we had a black & white TV or they cut that scene.

It was a true story. The couple in it, Joy and George Adamson, were both murdered. Joy was killed in 1980 by a kid who worked for them who they had fired. He avoided a death sentence because he was a minor when he committed the murder. George was killed nine years later by poachers when he came to the aid of a tourist they were attacking.

Theme song by John Barry used to be included on collections of instrumental hits.

Available on the Criterion channel.

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