Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trump in Tulsa

The thing was on TV in the living room. I was there doing something else so I was forced to listen to several minutes of it, then I wisely went to take a nap.

Maybe I should have watched. Because I just read this on the Guardian website:
Trump told the crowd at great length why he couldn’t possibly walk down a ramp unaided. He even re-enacted his walk down the deadly incline. He also treated them to a long excuse about why he couldn’t hold a glass of water with one hand. It apparently has something to do with protecting his expensive silk tie. Man of the people, that Trump guy.
I'm sorry I missed that. 

I'm actually kind of with Trump on the ramp thing. At least I would be if it were rainy and possibly slick. But using both hands to hold a glass looks weird and infantile and perhaps puts the lie to his claims during the Republican primaries about the size of his hands

The ramp thing made me think of Mitt Romney, the way he was always mincing around. I didn't notice it until an elderly relative pointed it out.

"I've never seen a man walk that way," she said.

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