Saturday, March 16, 2019

Rich kids again. Sorry.

There were two sad cases years ago. There was that drunken rich kid who got arrested when he demanded macaroni & cheese at a university cafeteria, and there was a young fellow who was an alternate on the Olympic ski team who, before flying home, was surprised that a bar would serve him drinks. He had several drinks which didn't affect him until he was on the plane. Then he drunkenly relieved himself in the aisle because he thought he was in the bathroom.

Both these guys were in the national news, and they both had gone to absurdly expensive ski academies---private high schools that emphasized skiing. How well do high school kids need to ski? How much money could anyone possibly make skiing? Because their parents were paying over $20 thousand a year for them to go to these schools. You think any of them made their money back?

Now with this college admission scandal, parents were paying vast sums---millions in some cases---to get their cretinous children into "elite" universities. You think there's any chance they'll make that money back? Will getting into those colleges boost their income enough to make it worth it?

I suppose it's possible.

I posted a rude comment to one of Olivia Jade's videos on YouTube before she shut down the comments sections.

"If this were YOUR idiot daughter, wouldn't YOU be so alarmed about her future that you would bribe her way into college?" I wrote wittily. 

That was unkind of me. The poor girl's parents are facing prison and she has been publicly humiliated herself. She said she wouldn't be going to class much, but she wanted to experience parties and game days, so that dream has been shattered. And her career as an "influencer" has been crippled. She still has her line of cosmetics, but her sponsors are dumping her.

I went to an Asian Film Festival here in town. There was a young film school grad from USC. He brought his TV pilot called ATF--Asian Tactical Force, about an elite SWAT-like team in the LAPD made up entirely of East Asian-Americans. It was ten minutes of drama followed by a twenty-minute gun fight. The guy produced it mainly to highlight his skills as a director. For what he spent on it, he might have made a passable movie.

But he spoke to the audience and commented that you're not going to learn much at film school. You really go there to make connections. 

So. If you want to figure a low cost alternative to film school, think in those terms. Try to figure out how to make connections without squandering a fortune.

Like, maybe just go long enough to make connections then drop out. 

Take a good look at your own personality. Are you a loner who nobody likes? You might not make any connections no matter how long you're there.

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