Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Sexist help wanted ads

I got into a brief argument with my sister. She told about how she posted something on social media. There were two help wanted ads from newspaper in 1969. I don't know if they were REQUIRED to specify if the ad was for men or women or if you could if you wanted, but one advertised for women to train as realtors, another for women to work as seamstresses. She commented that we had a female ancestor who was a Union spy during the Civil War and a hundred years later, women were doomed to work as realtors and seamstresses.

I said that even if there were total social equality between men and women, there would still be at least SOME seamstresses and women realtors. Gloria Steinem was in the CIA at the time spying on student activists. Obviously women were discriminated against in the 1960's, but the existence of women realtors and women seamstresses wasn't evidence of that. Only a few women ever get anywhere near the glass ceiling.

She didn't see my point at all.

One time, I was looking through help wanted ads with a friend who was looking for work. I told him he should apply for the job as whipped cream wrestler in a gay bar.

"Why don't YOU do it?" he said.

"Because I didn't wrestle in junior high," I said. "Don't you want to be a professional athlete?"

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