Sunday, March 17, 2019

The sulking rich kid's dilemma

I'm guessing that SOME of the rich kids whose parents bribed their way into college didn't know what was going on. That's what's been reported. They were too dumb to get into college, after all. They may have been too dumb to know they were too dumb.

But they're in an awkward position now. This would be a perfect time for them to sulk and whine that their parents had no faith in their ability. Their parents humiliated them in the national press. It's something some of them, like Lori Loughlin's daughter, Olivia Jade Guannulli, will never live down. They will be forever known for this scandal.

On the other hand, their parents spent, in some cases, millions of dollars and risked years in prison to get them into college.

So should the kids be sulking and trying to use this to their advantage, demanding cars, yachts, houses, etc, for what their wealthy parents did to them? Or should they be grateful? If you're a whiney rich kid who would use something like this to your advantage, you can't very well complain that they spent a fortune on a criminal conspiracy for your benefit.

Now, suppose you got into college through normal means, then your parents spent millions to get your younger sibling into an elite school. Or if they paid millions to get your older sibling into an "elite" school, then went to prison and you wound up in some middling state college. Then you might have something to hold against them.

Think of Falcon Heene. Thanks to his jackass father, he will forever be known as Balloon Boy. He could win a Nobel Prize and the headline would be "Balloon Boy wins Nobel Prize".

On the other hand, he sent his father to jail when he said on CNN, "You guys said we did it for a show," when he was asked why he didn't come out of the attic when he heard them calling him.

Did he ruin his father's life, or did his father ruin his life?

What did his jackass father think a six-year-old was going to say? Did he think a first grader would be good at thinking on his feet?

"I don't know, Father. Perhaps I was afraid I would be punished in some way. Of course, the longer I hid, the more compelling my reason to remain hidden. This entire episode could have been avoided if you and Mother had stopped spanking me, as I frequently suggested."

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