How long has it been? A fortnight? And before that all I did was go to work and back. They told me drive-through windows were safe but I didn't chance it. I did gas up the car though. Had little choice.
A few days ago, a woman knocked on the door. We ignored her. She came back again yesterday. I looked out the window and motioned to her to back away. She walked down the walk and I came out. She needed gas money. She lived in her truck. Okay. Wait here, I said. I was wearing these flannel pajama things and had to run in to get some money.
My mother walked out there and asked if she had somewhere to cook then got her some food my mother didn't want. I put it in a bag and put it on the porch with a twenty dollar bill. I wasn't going to spend it anywhere. I went back in and closed the door.
I think we should have just given her the money. She could buy her own food, something we can't do. My mother's 88 and I can't risk going out and bringing any virus back with me. My sister had been going out every couple of weeks and we can ask her to get us stuff.
There was a bag of flour on the porch my sister left there. Oh. Did she get me a jar of yeast? I'm going to need more of that before this nightmare is over.
I think it was a mistake getting 15 pounds of sticky rice. I've eaten it twice. The ramen I got is no picnic, either.
I read that a thirteen-year-old boy was buried and that no one from his family was there. They're reporting that around two thousand people are dying each day but the real number is much higher.
Neighbors were outside carrying on a conversation while on opposite sides of the street. Next door is a house that used to belong to an elderly couple. They died and some scumbag bought the place. It's rented to college students now and the morons were having a party.
I knew that a man who lives across the street from he has been in ill health. Learned he has leukemia. It's what killed the previous owner of the house, but I don't think the two things could be related since that guy left for Hollywood in the '50's. He was a big tall guy. I found pictures of him online getting a screen test for the role of Lurch in the old
Addams Family series. He didn't get the part.
This house isn't nearly as big as I thought. How many hours a day do I spend in bed? I feel groggy all the time. I'm drink coffee. I have a bottle of caffeine pills, 100 mgs each, but they don't seem to do anything. I wonder if they're fake. I got them from Amazon.
I tried to talk to a friend in Russia in the morning but Skype wasn't functioning. She's in a large city in western Siberia. It's sort of the Seattle of Russia, home of the aircraft and scientific industries. The economy there must be great. She had complained that the computer company she worked for had so many new people she couldn't keep up. She didn't know anyone's name. I told her to address them as "comrade", but they don't do that. They're all working from home now.