Thursday, April 9, 2020

Drive Ins

You know what would be a good business right now? A drive-in movie theater. Although, come to think of it, they make most of their money from the snack bar and you wouldn't want people getting out of their cars. Restrooms would be a problem, too.

During daylight hours, you could hold weddings, funerals, political rallies and church services at the drive-in, people safely isolated in their cars. There used to be drive-in churches in the United States.

There's a "church" here in town that was holding "services" in a local movie theater. It's the only local church I've seen advertised on TV. Of course, with the pandemic, they've had to cancel their Sunday services, but they somehow made a deal with a local TV station to do Easter on live TV.

They call it "Joy Church". According to the internet, there are others. It seems more like a chain than a denomination.

I would have to know if they were trinitarian---if they believed in the Holy Trinity. I don't care if they do or not, but how can a church be taken seriously if they don't have a position? They used to burn unitarians at the stake for rejecting the Trinity.

It's like movies and TV shows---Little House on the Prairie, for example. The people in it seem very religious, but the town has only one church, they don't specify the denomination, and no one seems to have any specific beliefs.

Contrast that with movies like Footloose or Inherit the Wind where the town has only one church that rules over the community with an iron fist.

Realistically, The Andy Griffith Show should have had Andy in a constant power struggle with the pastor of Mayberry's only church to see who would dominate the town.

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