Friday, April 3, 2020

Zero budget COVID-19 movie has been made

I wrote this in a blog several days ago:
With camcorders everywhere, filmmakers might quickly make some zero budget movies. Use titles like Quarantine, Islolation, Self-Quarantine, or Incubation. You could only use a couple of actors and film it entirely in your house. Act fast.
I don't know what I was picturing exactly.

Well, somebody's done something like it. Read about it here:


  1. Cool idea. I made something like this several years ago while holed up in my apartment after a hurricane. Decided to make a short "disaster" movie using just my digital camera, and a grocery cart as a dolly, and shot the whole thing inside the apartment. I have the film on YouTube if you'd like to check it out sometime (hope you don't mind me sharing the link here):

  2. Thanks for the link! I liked the movie. I found my way to your YouTube page and started watching your other films.
