Friday, April 10, 2020

What became of Jason Mann?

So what became of Jason Mann, the Project Greenlight guy nobody liked? It's been five years.

According to IMDb, he was "cinematographer" on a movie made in Slovenia called Vsi proti vsem (2019). Seems to be unavailable elsewhere although it has a title in English, All Against All.

Here's a clip:

And a trailer:

I wonder how they happened to hire him.

Well, poor devil. I have a feeling nobody would have liked me, either, but for different reasons. Nice that he's getting away and working abroad. It's something aspiring filmmakers should look into.

Even back in the '30's there were a couple of very cheap Yiddish-language movies that were produced in America but filmed in Poland just to save money. Even if you're working on a micro budget, think of Robert Rodriguez who filmed El Mariachi in Mexico one summer. When he got back to college in the fall, he looked forward to having people ask him what he did over the summer so he could tell them he made a foreign film.

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