Monday, April 1, 2019

I don't know what's wrong with me

I've tried to stop doing it, but I keep writing rude things about people. Some people. I had an inexplicable hatred for Dustin Diamond for a time. I don't know why. The poor guy had a sad life. His mother and brother had died by the time he was thirteen, and isn't he alienated from his father? He was the least appealing character on his TV show and he stayed at it way too long. He paid a band to let him perform with them and for them to perform some of his songs, but they wouldn't do his songs and they all thought it was hilarious when he had to be taken away in an ambulance after an audience member threw a full water bottle at him and hit him in the head. (This happened to Justin Bieber once and HE didn't go to the hospital.)

Didn't Jean-Luc Godard say rude things about people? He wrote letters attacking Truffaut and Jean-Pierre Leaud. I just watched Agnes Varda's Faces and Places. She and this guy go to see Godard and he isn't there and he left a note written on his window about Varda and her late husband. She cries and thinks he was trying to hurt her but I didn't understand it.

Mike Kuchar seems like a very nice man, but I read something he wrote about how boring one of his student's movies were. Jon Jost attacked his own actors on his blog as well as other directors. He commented on this tendency himself.

Maybe I'm less if a jerk than I thought.

I don't know if I've said this before, but I started this blog in part because I read someone else's movie blog which wasn't good at all, but was surprisingly popular.

"My blog will be a breath of fresh air!" I thought.

I've thought that about other things I've done and it never turns out that way.

In grade school, I remember thinking that my terrible drawings had greater appeal than the ones done by kids who were good artists because mine were more relatable.

"I know what people want," I actually told them.

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