Saturday, April 27, 2019

Michael Jackson's nephew cashing in

Someone called Taj Jackson, nephew of Michael Jackson, is trying to raise $777,000 on (it's at $138,125 now) to make a documentary series to counter Leaving Neverland.

Leaving Neverland is the HBO doc in which two of Michael Jackson's victims detail how he sexually abused them.

From the gofundme site:
This explosive documentary series will conclusively destroy decades of salacious myths which have been told and sold about Michael Jackson ad nauseam. In doing so, we will shine a light on the corruption within the media and entertainment industries which conceived and perpetuated them. Falsehoods like: 
“I heard Michael Jackson paid a settlement to avoid a criminal trial for child abuse” Wrong
“I heard the boy described Michael Jackson’s genitalia accurately” Wrong
“I heard Michael Jackson paid over 200 million to as many as 20 victims” Wrong.
I'm not sure Michael Jackson would want a documentary to carefully investigate the genitalia description.

Taj Jackson has never directed anything. He was executive producer on a reality show he starred in, The Jacksons: Next Generation. It's been announced that will direct a zombie movie he's also a producer on.

But he's very wisely cashing in on this. James Safechuck, Wade Robson and their families were paid nothing for Leaving Neverland. I assume Taj will pay himself directing and producing fees, do music for it and get paid if anyone ends up watching the thing.

There must be some way for someone not related to Michael Jackson to get in on this, to get their hands on some of that outraged-Michael-Jackson-fan money. 

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