Sunday, May 5, 2019

Community access TV, Richard Lee, Kurt Cobain

Community access TV from Seattle is available on Roku. I couldn't get it to work for a long time but I clicked on it again and it worked fine. I watched Richard Lee, a "journalist" whose exclusive focus seems to be the death of Kurt Cobain. It was ruled a suicide, but he believes it was murder. He goes into some related issues such as police violence and corruption.

I enjoy his show. It's generally just him holding a camera filming himself. People try to get rid of him but he stands up to the cops and picks fights with everyone. It impresses me that he's able to talk and talk and talk for a full hour.

According to Wikipedia, he was the first to claim Cobain was murdered. Not much of a claim to fame. Kind of morbid, really.

According to The Guardian:
In April 2016, Love gave a statement accusing Lee of trying to exploit Cobain’s death, which he claims to have been investigating for more than 23 years. Love claimed that Lee “stalked and harassed me, my family and my friends for many, many years … On one particular occasion, Mr Lee even filmed himself chasing a limousine for several miles that he thought I was a passenger in. Mr Lee’s actions make me fear for my safety.”
It's now been twenty-five years since Cobain's death. Richard Lee was born in 1963 so he's devoted most of his adult life to this. Which is strange since he doesn't seem to have ever been an actual fan of Kurt Cobain.

He hasn't really offered any explanation for the alleged murder. He seems to blame Courtney Love and Cobain's bandmates, but he hasn't suggested any motive. And why on earth would the police cover it up?

I don't know if it's art, but it's one of the more enjoyable community access shows I've seen.

From an article called "Insane Determination" on The Stranger:
If you haven't watched a Richard Lee show, tune in at least once. At the very least, you'll see what he looks like. That way, if you see him bearing down on you on the sidewalk, you'll know to run away. And don't worry about how you look on camera; Lee will always find a way to make himself look worse.
Campaign photo from when he ran for mayor.

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