Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Heartless wealthy parasites turn on working class girl

Callous rich bastards she thought were her friends turned on her and sent her to prison because she was working class.

Come on now! Do I have to go around telling people exactly how much money I have in the bank? Because they put a poor girl in prison for telling people she had $60 million. And do you have some kind of obligation to correctly tell everybody who you're related to? I routinely refer to my first cousins-once-removed or my second cousins simply as my cousins. Is this a crime now? That poor girl told people she was an heiress. Did she really have a legal obligation to correctly tell everyone her father's income?

Innocent Anna Sorokin, the German daughter of a hard working truck driver, has been sentenced to prison for harmlessly telling her wealthy friends that stuff.

Essentially, the judge ruled that if a rich person gives you money or covers your bills, that you have a legal obligation to assume they're doing it only because they think you're extremely rich and not because they're your friends. You are now required by law to think that rich people are all incredibly shallow with a depraved indifference to anyone who's not as rich as they are.

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